
AHC has 19 Company sales centers in Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana operating as Oak Creek Home Centers.  The sales centers are large, well-designed facilities and are typically located on major freeways with high traffic counts. The Company also has a network of independent retailers located in 4 states near the manufacturing facilities. Fifty percent of the homes the Company builds are sold through its Oak Creek Home Centers.

Oak Creek Homes Sales OfficeTypical Oak Creek Homes Sales Office

Better Homes. Less Money.

HUD Code Products

(Single Family Homes only)

All three factories produce HUD Code homes in varying width from 14’ x 80’ up to 18’ x 80’ for single section homes and from 24’ x 40’ up to 36’ x 80’ for double section homes and triple section homes up to 4,500 square feet. The Lynn facility can build all sizes listed except for 18’ and 36’ wide homes, due to transportation issues in its surrounding states. Only single family homes can be built and certified as HUD Code units. HUD Code is administered to the Federal Construction and Safety Standards as governed by the HUD (United States Department of Housing and Urban Development).

Modular Code Residential Products

(One and Two Family Homes Only)

The Fort Worth and Lynn facilities produce homes to meet the currently adopted edition of the International Residential Code (IRC) for areas defined at R-1 and R-2 occupancy. The Lancaster factory maintains licenses for producing IRC units, but does not actively produce or promote the sales of modular code homes.   Modular Code units can be produced in the same sizes as listed for HUD Code units. The IRC is a residential oriented building code that is equal to the requirements of site built construction.